#Beer more, all over the world

By | February 15, 2021

The best way to taste local culture is to ask for a beer. As currently writing this post I am a “designated driver” and with no beer for several weeks already, I started to get nostalgic. Lack of travel in this “wonderful” Corona year, the virus not the beer, made me look through the photo… Read More »

#WFH needs a team of consultants

By | February 11, 2021

I got better feedback than from any other consultants team I worked with. Believe me I had my share, from all the big consultancy companies 🙂 To have a good work from home environment (and we all know we need it in 2020) you need to follow some simple rules. Get a good team of… Read More »

Bash one-liner: kill all processes with the same name

By | February 11, 2021

A simple one liner to kill all the processes having the same name or token in the name (myprocess): kill -9 $(ps aux | grep myprocess | awk ‘{print $2}’) This is a very effective way of cleaning up stuck processes that were spawned by some gone wrong software.

My #Trip to #Dodoma, the Capital City of Tanzania

By | February 29, 2020

This post further documents my business trips and shows people places visited from a business-travel perspective. This time I describe my short visit to Dodoma the old/new capital city of Tanzania. Why old? Because in 1974 the Tanzanian government decided that Dodoma is going to be the new capital of Tanzania. Why new? Because only… Read More »

Self-Knowledge in 2021

By | March 25, 2021

Dear Reader, Here is a reminder of this post from last year to which further ones will continue, on the same topic. With new insights! Enjoy! Advanced self-knowledge is a crucial part of taking care of your mental health. I believe most of us know the phrase from a very good friend/partner: “I know you… Read More »

Travel tips for people who want to #travel more

By | February 22, 2020

In a previous post I was advocating for everyone to travel more and to open their perspective by experiencing more places and cultures. That post proved to be extremely popular with lots of shares and views. I was pleasantly surprised so I decided to share also some of my travel tips. All the tips and… Read More »

Mental Health

By | February 22, 2020

Dear Reader, What is it that you do for your own mental health? This topic has been swirling around my mind for some time and I even did my own list of activities that I enjoy and consider beneficial for my mental health. You might take your mental health for granted, but are you sure… Read More »


By | February 6, 2020

Dear Reader, Can you name your superpower without thinking more than 2 seconds? Mine is Resilience. Sometimes I wished it was willpower. But why can’t we have more superpowers? Who does actually define this? I say it is every person on its own. I decided to work with my willpower.Willpower is a limited resource that… Read More »

World is small, #travel more !

By | September 20, 2020

I advice all people to get out of their comfort zone and travel. Travel to the most strange destinations and see that the world is a small little place where everybody has basically the same desires and hobbies! People are not so different as some politicians want you to think. Isolating yourself from the world… Read More »


By | January 30, 2020

Dear Reader, Lately I have seen many videos and texts online promoting and even demanding everyone to take responsibility for their own actions. It got me wondering how does taking responsibility actually translates in our daily actions. According to dictionary definitions, responsibility is a state or a fact of dealing with something, having control over… Read More »