Category Archives: A. I.

IoT: Intelligent power sockets

By | February 9, 2017

There are old devices that do not have the logic in them so they are not intelligent devices. This legacy hardware can be controlled using intelligent power sockets. My solution was to get a bunch of Belkin WEMO sockets. They are fully supported by IFTTT so lost of nice use for them. I use them… Read More »

IoT: Human monitoring

By | February 9, 2017

If you really want to monitor everything that includes you also, the human. The easiest monitoring is done using the smart phone. Obviously a smart phone is fully IFTTT compatible and has a lots of location and notification sensors already included. It is also one of the notification and control hubs for the other IFTTT… Read More »

My IoT setup

By | February 9, 2017

The IoT (internet of things) is one of the new craze around. There are so many interesting devices but also many useless devices that are part of the IoT universe that it can be confusing. To try to list bellow my IoT collection of devices and say some words about them. House Alarm: IoT: House… Read More »

Blog Links: The ripple effect of virtual assistants and inteligent houses

By | January 12, 2017

The ripple effect of virtual assistants is something that appeared as an idea in a lot of SF movies. Think about Terminator or A.I. where we see this kind of ripple effect that starts from one A. I. and then ripples through all the A.I.s like a wave and washed everything including the human civilization.… Read More »

A.I. : State-of-the-art of Computer Vision

By | January 5, 2017

In another life (almost 14 years ago) for some years I had the privilege to be a member of one of the top European computer vision groups VISICS/PSI VISICS/PSI. My focus then was object categorization using neural networks, not a very popular topic at that time due to limitations in data availability and computation power.… Read More »