Be your own media company, do not let others sell your work

By | February 22, 2025

Lately I have seen several good Twitter thread that resonated very well to my own conviction.

Traditional media is dead. The printed press, the TV news, the traditional news agencies are all now just chasing the clicks, the sensational, the tabloid news.

The quality of reporting is abysmal, the angle of the news is always biased with hidden paid advertisement.

Given the above, why should you “donate” your content to this dead industry, that feeds on the bottom of the sea of real events.

Two of the most vocal people of this new idea of being your own media are Balajis ( ) and Suhail

Now we have the AI industry doing exactly the same. We all heard about reddit, stackoverflow, Facebook,  Instagram, X ( former Twitter ), TikTok using user generated content to train AI models. Even worse now we hear that like if Meta tormented tens of tera-bytes of copyrighted content from the internet to feed their AI models.

My simple advise would be to use your own platform: write your blog, write your book, write your research article. Even if that content will be scrapped by an AI looking for content at least it is linked to your media voice. Do not just donate content and ideas to the social networks .

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